


What is UI?

Introduction: Turn your visitors into happy users. Forrester’s research found that a well- designed UI can increase conversion rate by 200%. UI is User Interface. It is the process designers use to build a smooth and seamless website for a great user journey. In this evolving sector of digital design, User Interface has great powers when it comes to crafting seamless design which leads to better user experience. Ever wondered why specific navigational bars like add to cart, pay, home or about/contact us has specific colors? There’s an entire team devoted to these tiniest details, and creates a huge impact. A well-designed UI can help attract and retain customers, boost sales, drive business growth and website traffic. Let’s dive in to knowing about UI and UX. 

Difference between UI and UX.

UI is user interface and UX is user experience. UI is the design, graphics, content, colors basically the aesthetic segment. UX is user experience the overall experience of the website basically the journey throughout the website. UX encompasses a smooth and seamless user journey. To breakdown these terms with simple examples Your online presence is like a storefront. A clean entrance is your website’s landing page, clear signboards are intuitive navigation, and friendly staff represent interactive elements. Just as a tidy physical store attracts customers, a well-organized UI draws users in and provides a positive digital experience User Interface and User Experience works hand in hand for a visually pleasing and well-rounded website.

How UI and UX works?

Purple Minimal How To Be Productive Carousel Banner 2

This picture might be confusing, but this will clearly explain how UI and UX works. The UI is the glass ketchup bottle where the job is to look aesthetically pleasing for the users. The UX is the upsidedown plastic bottle which makes it easier to squeeze the ketchup. These are the roles of UI and UX, one is to make it look aesthetic and one is to make the experience easy.

How can you build credibility among the audience with UI ?

A well-crafted user interface will speak professionalism, trust, volume, quality and will be userfriendly too. Consistency is the key, make sure there is smooth flow throughout the website. UI designer should make sure that they are using the updated and current version and tools. Keep it simple and crisp with the content and the colors to attract. It is not just about the aesthetics but also the creating a secure and clean space for your users. 

Key Factors for an amazing UI Design.

User Interface is simple if you keep it clean, organized and updated. There are some factors that a UI designer needs to keep in mind while designing a website. Here’s some points to keep in mind while designing a website. 

• Navigation
• Icons
• Colors
• Accessibility
• Navigational Bars.Add Your Heading Text Here

Navigation: It’s the website flow, how easy and understandable it can be for your visitors. How easily they can navigate from one place to another in your website. 

Icons: Icons makes it much easier for a visitor to understand what category it is. Not everyone will sit and read or not everyone will know the language. Icons makes it easy-peasy for you to navigate your visitors. 

Colors: Colors play a big role in your website. Right from your header to footer, it should be well coordinated and contrasted. It should also align with your brand colors and values. Best is to follow the color theory that aligns with your brand. 

Accessibility: User interface should always be accessible to the users. Use a standard design and colors so that the user can easily access to whatever they want.

Navigational Bars: If your website has more pages and elements make sure you navigate your user properly, the colors should pop-up, the fonts should be readable, so they can move to the next step.

 These factors help boost your business to larger audience will drive traffic to your website. A seamless UI will show you that the brand values their users and want them to have a smooth journey in the website.


So, yes UI can drive traffic and sales if done properly. Creating credibility among your audience is vital cause that automatically will turn into leads. There isn’t a big difference between UI/UX the basic difference is UI is the looks of the website and UX is the experience of the website. Include these key factors in your Web design or UI design for your users seamless journey. Here’s how Tensai will help you in the business growth with UI/UX services.

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